British Overseas School Results
I/GCSE Grades
In May and June 2022 students all over the world returned to the hushed examination halls of public examinations. For the last two years, BOS students have been given grades based on teacher assessments; that has now passed and we can return to examinations.
As ever BOS students did a remarkable job of readjusting to the demands of the examinations.
- BOS grades 7-9 pass rate was 68% (compared to 27% across the UK)
- BOS grades 5 and above pass rate was 90% (compared to 60% across the UK)
- BOS passes at grade 9 was 20% (compared to 7% across the UK)

Many of our students performed exceptionally well in the summer examinations.
- 13 of our 22 candidates achieved 8 or more passes at grades 9-7.
- 7 candidates achieved passes only at grades 9-7
Anusha Ilyas gained outstanding grades (grade 9 = 8; grade 8 = 2). Zonaira Abro was close behind (grade 9 = 6; grade 8 = 3; grade 7 = 1).
Congratulations to all of our students on their very good IGCSE results.
Our Teachers
As always, our teachers did a wonderful job, helping our students to make the transition back to in-person teaching and ultimately to public examinations.
In particular I would like to mention Sara Mansour. Once again, her English Language and English Literature grades were truly outstanding. Congratulations to her and to all of her
All of our Year 11 students move on to other schools and colleges for further study.
Destination | Students |
KGS | 9 |
Lyceum | 7 |
Nixor | 3 |
Cedar | 2 |
Overseas | 1 |
This year, as always, Karachi Grammar School was the favoured destination for many of our students. Nine of our students joined KGS, 7 are attending the Lyceum, 3 have joined Nixor and 2 are attending Cedar. One students has relocated to Dubai.
We wish them all the very best with their A level studies and with their progress to college and university in the future.